How do StopOdours odour remover bags work?

Oct 30 , 2022

How do StopOdours odour remover bags work?

Testimonial odour remover bagProfessionals regularly use Odour  remover bags for the following purposes (Dead rodents, Urine, Smoke, mildew/mould) however, there are a large number of odour molecules to target, so we narrowed down the main ones to (Ammonia urea - Urine, sulfur dioxide and methane - decaying corpse, microbial volatile organic compounds - midlew/mould).

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How do you neutralize the smell of a dead rat?

Oct 30 , 2022

How do you neutralize the smell of a dead rat?

StopOderz odour pod gels erase odours, leaving only fresh air behind, by using smart chemistry encapsulating all natural essential oils into a slow continual release gel formulation. 

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