How long before a dead rat stops smelling?

Oct 27 , 2022

How long before a dead rat stops smelling?

The foul odour is best described as the rotting smell of death and is generated by a combination of various chemicals including sulfur dioxide and methane. The smell of the dead rat may linger for 4 – 8 weeks, the larger the animal the longer the foul smell will remain until it's fully decomposed. 

The StopOdours odour bags were designed by our team of industrial chemists as a solution for the professional pest management industry

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The Best way to get rid of a Dead Rat or Dead Mouse smell

Mar 22 , 2022

The Best way to get rid of a Dead Rat or Dead Mouse smell

StopOdours odour bags are used by pest control professionals to remover dead rodent odours, urine and faeces odours and musty mildew odours from homes.

Simply hang stopodours odour remover bags as close as possible to the foul smell, the odour bags adsorb the gaseous odours to clean the air.

Watch the video on how to use:

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How to Get rid of stubborn odours from your home

Jan 20 , 2021

How to Get rid of stubborn odours from your home

StopOdours Odour Remover Bags were developed by a team of industrial chemists to adsorb and eliminate the prime malodours encountered by professionals on a daily basis including (Dead rodents, pet urine, Smoke, mildew/mould). Unlike chemical sprays or candle scents, the StopOdours bags do not mask odours, they adsorb them to clear the air of foul odours

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Get rid of foul odours (Dead rats, Cigarette smoke, pet urine) naturally

Aug 14 , 2020

Get rid of foul odours (Dead rats, Cigarette smoke, pet urine) naturally

StopOdours odour remover products were created by a team of chemists for professionals to deal with unpleasant smells found within homes (Boats & caravans, nursing homes, hotels etc). How do...

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